Personal Data collected by us:

  • If you choose to sign in with any social login providers, we may get your name and email address.
    These are only used to setup your account and never shared with a third party.

  • We also collect your device id to send you game play notifications.
    This will never be shared with a third party.

  • You may choose to share your email when sending a feedback from inside the app. This can be used to communicate with you.
    Your email address will never be shared with a third party.

  • Use of User Content for Promotional and Marketing Purposes:

    By creating and sharing User Content on our platform, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual,
    and irrevocable license to use, reproduce, distribute, publicly display the User Content for promotional and marketing purposes.
    Content generated by you will never be sold to any third party.

    Examples of Use:
    The User Content may be used, but not limited to, in advertisements, social media posts, website content, promotional materials, and other marketing initiatives to showcase the features and benefits of our services.

    Anonymity and Aggregation:
    When using User Content for promotional and marketing purposes, we will strive to maintain your anonymity, unless you have
    expressly agreed otherwise. Additionally, we may aggregate User Content with that of other users to present generalized trends and insights.

    Your Choices and Control:
    If you no longer wish to have your User Content used for promotional and marketing purposes, you can contact us at to request opting out. We will make commercially reasonable efforts to remove your User Content from
    future promotional materials.

    You may also request the deletion of your User Content at any time. However, please note that certain User Content shared publicly
    by you may have been disseminated beyond our control and may still appear in various locations.

Personal Data collected for the following purposes and using the following services:


Google AdMob

You can read the detailed Google's privacy policy for advertising HERE


You can read the detailed Unity's privacy policy for advertising HERE


You can read the detailed Meta's privacy policy for advertising HERE


You can read the detailed AppLovin's privacy policy for advertising HERE


Google Analytics

You can read the detailed Google's privacy policy HERE

Voice chat:


You can read the detailed Vivox's privacy policy HERE

Game engine:


You can read the detailed unity's privacy policy HERE



You can read the detailed Firebase's privacy policy HERE

Data Deletion Policy:

Information may be deleted from our CRM upon request to

We undertake to perform the deletion within one month (30 calendar days) and will send you a confirmation once the information has been
deleted. Wherever possible, we will aim to complete the request in advance of the deadline.

Information not contained in this policy

More details concerning the collection or processing of Personal Data may be requested from the Data Controller at any time.
Please see the contact information at the end of this document.

For any other information:

Please send a mail to

For any Support related queries:

Please send a mail to